Friday, October 8, 2010

Flash Friday 55 things to reflect on or just me rambling

Time comes and time goes.  Through the years we make mistakes.  The important thing is when you look back you can say, yes I made some mistakes, I have learned and moved forward.  You should be able to say I am improving everyday and I will just keep getting better.  Wipe away the tears, live life to the fullest challenge yourself everyday, laugh, and love with all your heart and remember that tomorrow is never promised.


  1. i do believe that is the recipe for a rather good life...i have made my share and i keep moving...nice 55.

  2. Wise words and so succinctly stated!

    Teriffic 55, Jadey!

  3. I don't see things that don't go as they should as problems but as opportunities. Nice 55.

  4. Nice to have you back Jadey..
    I Love 'from the heart' 55's...
    You Rock Baby...
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End
